It gives me great pleasure and an immense feeling of pride to inform you about our latest Ofsted inspection report (link to the report below).
As you know the Section 5 inspection took place on 1st and 2nd November 2023. There were two inspectors present over the two days.
It was concluded that we are now officially, ‘a Good school’, and they rated us solidly good in every category assessed, with three of the five areas (Behaviour and Attitudes, Early Years Foundation Stage and Personal Development) nearly being outstanding. Safeguarding was found to be effective and the strategies and practices of the Designated Safeguarding Leads and Pastoral Team were found to be exceptional. As a result of the above grades, we have been encouraged by the inspectors to now start our journey towards excellence.
The inspectors were extremely impressed with what they saw in and around school, and they affirmed the strengths in our school and our capacity to continue to further enhance the whole education that we provide for all of our children, and the wider care for our families and community. It was lovely to hear of the inspectors’ recognition of our sheer determination, and hard work over recent years and their use of words such as meticulous, relentless and exemplary was certainly high praise, and made us very proud of our children, staff, community and school as a whole.
They commented that, ‘the school has successfully overhauled the quality of education that pupils receive’ and this was backed up by our upward trend of KS1 and KS2 results alongside our now outstanding progress measures right across reading, writing and mathematics. They acknowledged the hard work that has gone into ensuring that all our pupils, including those with SEND, now access the same ambitious curriculum and are supported proficiently so that they all achieve well.
This is a milestone moment for us. The fact that we are now in a position where nearly every aspect of our school has been praised by Ofsted and SIAMS, and the ‘Room for Improvement’ grading has been removed, reflects the conscientiousness and amazing character of our children, staff and Governing Body, as well as the positive impact of the support provided by parents and carers for children within our school. It is therefore, extremely important that I once again, acknowledge and thank you profusely for your continued backing and positive engagement with school.
Please do take time to read the attached inspection report as it not only explains the progress made since our last full inspection but outlines the next steps for our school as well.
In conclusion, all that remains for me to say is that I am immensely proud to be Headteacher at Wellfield Methodist & Anglican Church School. I am equally proud of the inspection outcome and the support of everyone within our little community that makes Wellfield what it is – JUST AMAZING!
Link to the November 2023 Ofsted Report:
ofsted-inspection-report-nov-2023.pdf (