Welcome to Wellfield church school PTFA page.
The PTFA raise money for the school and all of your children, each year we contribute £10 per child towards school trips, money towards books or class necessities, pantos, Y6 hoodies and lots other things the children do. We also funded the trim trail which is on the school playground and we provide the school Christmas tree each year.
Another major thing your PTFA raised money for is the all weather pitch and cage. All the children use this everyday during playtime and PE sessions and we raised a massive £10,000 towards this fabulous area.
We will continue to raise funds to help our school and our children, but we can’t do any of this without your support so please attend our events, we are always looking for new members and people to help at our events so don’t be shy.
We are all just friendly mums and dads of children in school doing our best for all our kids and any help is gratefully received. Even if it is just helping out at one event, that would be fantastic. We are all working mums and dads that have busy lives so any help is always welcome.