GIRLS School Logo Jumper/Cardigan School Tie White Shirt Grey Skirt/Pinafore/Trousers/Shorts White / Grey Socks Black Shoes (no trainers / boots) SUMMER TERM ONLY Pink Gingham Dress with White Socks
BOYS School Logo Jumper / Cardigan School Tie White Shirt Grey Trousers / Shorts Black / Grey Socks Black Shoes (no trainers or boots) |
PE KIT White PE T Shirt with school logo Black Shorts Black pumps / trainers School Logo Hoodie / School Jumper Black leggings / tracksuit bottoms in cold weather |
We strongly advise that children have a pair of wellies available at home, ready to bring in during the winter months or when we complete outdoor activities such as walks or Forest School.
AND FINALLY… Nail varnish or nail art is not permitted, nor are temporary tattoos.
HAIR & HAIR ACCESSORIES We ask that any accessories (hair bobbles, clips, headbands etc) are in school colours ie: burgundy, white or yellow/gold. Flowers / bows are not permitted in children’s hair. To help control the spread of headlice, all hair which is shoulder length or longer must be tied back. ‘Fashion’ hairstyles are not permitted. Examples of which include; Shaved lines, pictures or part shaved styles, coloured hair or artificial braiding, short shaved cuts (number 1) |
GIRLS SHOES For practicality reasons, ballet style shoes (ie: shoes which do not have a strap) and boots are unsuitable for the amount of physical activity that takes place in school. Shoes with raised heels are also unsuitable and therefore not permitted. |
JEWELLERY Only watches and stud earrings are allowed for health & safety reasons. All jewellery must be removed before a child is allowed to take part in any lesson involving physical activity. We recommend that no jewellery is worn on PE days to avoid loss or damage. If earrings are left in and your child is unable to remove them themselves, they will not be permitted to join in the activity. We ask that any ear-piercings are done at the start of the summer holidays so that your child’s education is not disrupted. |
Please contact the school office either by coming into reception or by email or phone (01282 436935)