The School Council at Wellfield Church School is led by the Head Boy and Girl and Deputy Head Boy and Girl. There are also two School Councillors from each class elected by their peers at the beginning of each new school year.
The School Council is supported by Mrs Hall and Miss Bramald.
We want children at Wellfield Church School to have a 'voice' in decisions that are made about our school and ensure the views of all children are listened to. The School Council also provides a practical experience for our children on how 'democracy' works. However, the School Council doesn't just focus on our own school community but also reflects our Christian ethos and Gospel Values by looking at how we can support:
100 Challenge with each class supporting a charity chosen by them.
Winter Wonderland.
God's Creation Artwork Competition for the school outdoor classroom.
Sensory Garden.
Supporting Church events.
Anti-Bullying Week; Odd Socks Day; Children in Need; Comic Relief