The Governing Body of Wellfield School meets four times a term - once each for Standards and Effectiveness (SEC), Curriculum and Resources Committees and once as the Full Governing Body. There are also various smaller sub-committees that meet regularly and these meetings are not included in the attendance figures. It is responsible for setting the strategic framework of the school and monitoring its implementation. It acts as a 'critical friend' by holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils. The Governing Body also oversees the finances of the school; making sure money is well spent.
Chair of the Governing Body
Contact: chairofgovernors@wellfield.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Maria Ellel - Headteacher
Ex Officio
Responsibilities: SEC, Resources, Curriculum
Term of Office: 01.09.19 -
Pecuniary Interests: Whalley C of E Primary School (LA Governor)
Mrs Chloe Moretta - Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor (Anglican Diocese)
Responsibilities: Chair of SEC Committee, PE & Sports Premium, Safeguarding/Child Protection, Pupil Premium, Resources, Admissions
Term of Office: - 11.03.23 - 12.03.27
Pecuniary Interests: Cherry Fold Primary School Staff & Governor
Fr. Charlie Hill
Foundation Governor Ex Officio (Anglican)
Responsibilities: RE, Staff Voice & Wellbeing, Parent / Pupil Voice, SEND, Curriculum Committee, SEC
Term of Office: 17.01.19 -
Pecuniary Interests: None
Mr Hugh Burkenshaw
Foundation Governor (Anglican Diocese) -
Term of Office: 28.05.24 - 27.05.28
Pecuniary Interests:
Mrs Melanie Potts
LEA Governor
Term of Office: 19.03.24 - 18.03.28
Pecuniary Interests:
Mrs Vikki Hall
Staff Governor
Responsibilities: Link Governor, Curriculum
Term of Office: 4.10.21 -3.10.25
Pecuniary Interests: Class Teacher at Wellfield Anglican & Methodist Church School
Mrs Stephanie Reid
Foundation Governor (Methodist Church)
Responsibilities: Admissions, SRE / PSHE, Music, Curriculum, Pay Committee
Term of Office: 11.12.21 - 12.12.25
Pecuniary Interests: None
Mrs Kay Wyatt
Co-opted Governor
Responsibilities: Admissions, Marketing & Promotions, Resources,
Term of Office: - 25.02.23 - 24.02.27
Pecuniary Interests: Office Manager at Wellfield, Owner of GK Electrical is distant relative. Distant relative of Zoe Collinson (parent governor)
Mrs Zoe Collinson
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 05.11.24 - 04.11.28
Pecuniary Interests: Distant relative of Kay Wyatt (school office manager & governor)
Mrs Danielle Todd
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 01.11.23 - 31.10.27
Pecuniary Interests: Teaching staff at St Paul's Primary School Rawtenstall.
Mrs Margaret Rogerson
Foundation Governor (Methodist)
Term of Office: 25.09.23 - 24.09.27
Pecuniary Interests: None
Ms Marcia Gore
Foundation Governor (Anglican PCC)
Responsibilities: Science, EYFS, MFL,Curriculum, Pay
Term of Office: 25.04.24 - 24.04.28
Pecuniary Interests:
Mrs Jill Dugdale
Foundation Governor (Methodist)
Responsibilities: Maths, Assessment, Resources, SEC
Term of Office: 25.09.23 - 24.09.27
Pecuniary Interests
Reverend Rick Ormrod
Foundation Governor (Methodist) -
Responsibilities: Resources
Term of Office: 1.9.22 - 31.8.26
Pecuniary Interests: Governor at Wheatley Lane Methodist Primary School
Mrs Christina Regan - Associate Headteacher
Ex Officio
Responsibilities: SEC, Resources, Health & Safety, Assessment
Term of Office: 1st January 2019 - 22nd April 2019
Pecuniary Interests: Headteacher at Wellfield
Mrs Wendy Fryer - Foundation Governor (Methodist) Year 4 Governor
Responsibilities: Computing & IT Development, Curriculum
Term of Office: 01.05.19 - 01.05.23
Pecuniary Interests:
Mrs Marie Kirk
Parent Governor - Year 6 Governor
Responsibilities: Parent Voice, Finance, Pupil Voice, Resources
Term of Office: 13.05.19 - 13.05.23
Pecuniary Interests:
Mrs Hannah Cutler
Foundation Governor (Anglican Diocese) - Year 5
Responsibilities: Headteacher Appraisal, Health & Safety, Maths, Resources, Pay Committee, SEC
Term of Office: 21.5.18 to 20.5.22
Pecuniary Interests:
Miss Christina Harpur
Staff Governor
Responsibilities: Link, Curriculum
Term of Office: 08.03.16 - 07.03.20
Pecuniary Interests: Class Teacher at Wellfield Anglican & Methodist Church School
Mrs Joanne Malpass - Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor (Anglican PCC) - Year 3 Governor
Responsibilities: Chair of Curriculum Committee, Pay Committee, Inclusion (SEND), Curriculum, Website Compliance, Pupil Premium, Eco,
Term of Office: 05.02.18 to 04.02.22
Pecuniary Interests: Tank-Part Ltd (Director)
Mrs Nicole Walton
Parent Governor - Year 4 Governor
Responsibilities: Admissions, Assessment, PE & Sports Premium, SEC
Term of Office: - 13.03.18 - 12.03.22
Pecuniary Interests: None
Mrs Stephanie Hartley
Parent Governor
Responsibilities: Curriculum & AG&T, History, Geography, Curriculum
Term of Office: 12.03.22 - 11.03.26
Pecumiary Interests: None
Mrs Kate Acton-Grieves
Parent Governor
Responsibilities: Health & Safety, Website Compliance, Art & DT, Resources
Term of Office: 27.04.21 - 04.06.24
Percuniary Interests: None