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Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School home page

Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School

Art & Design

Art at Wellfield 2024!

We have been changing and developing our Art Curriculum here at Wellfield! 

On this page you can find our Art Policy, our Art Curriculum Overview as well as pictures from our art adventures this year! 



Wellfield Art Week 2024: A Virtual Gallery

This week, the whole school has been taking part in Art Week. Check out our virtual gallery below! 

Year R Art - Natural Sculptures, Andy Goldsworthy

Year 1 Art Week: Self Portraits

Year 2 Art Week: 2D Landscapes

Year 3 Art Week - 3D Landscapes

Year 4 Art Week - 3D Mark Making: Self Portraits

Year 5 Art Week: Photography

In Year 5, we have been exploring imagery and how it can connect us to people and places through storytelling. 

Our work was based on The Secret Garden. We have considered how camera angles, effects and lighting can tell a story. We have analysed existing photographs, created our own images which tell a story, discovered careers in photography and finally created alternative key art posters for The Secret Garden.

Year 6 Art Week: Film