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Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School home page

Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School

Cedar Class (Year 5)

Psalm 92:12


The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

Meet Our Class

Our Class Teachers:

Mrs Lightbown and Mr Ahmed will support teaching and learning in class each day.

Miss Shepherd will cover PPA time on Wednesday afternoons. 

Welcome to Cedar Class!


We are all looking forward to working together this year to help the children in all aspects of their learning.  We strongly believe that a great home-school partnership is key to helping each child to thrive at our school so should you have any questions please don't hesitate to drop in and ask.

If you would like to discuss something in depth please make an appointment with the office.


In Year 5, we learn about a wide variety of topics that excite and interest the children. They will become ever more confident and independent and can take greater control over their own learning.

The children are encouraged to talk about the things they excel at and things they are trying hard to get better at. This way the children progress well at their own level. 


Year 5 is a fun, bright and safe environment where the children are happy to learn.




Our Timetable

Key Information:


Class Equipment:

Children will be provided with everything they need in class therefore children will only need to bring their reading book and reading record in a small book bag; coat; healthy morning snack; named water bottle and lunch bag (if required) with them to school. Please do not send large bags/backpacks or pencil cases into school. Water bottles will be sent home every night to be washed for the following day. Please ensure that all items brought into school are clearly named.


P.E. Lessons:

Year 5 will have P.E. lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please send children to school wearing their P.E. kit and school jumper/P.E. hoodie to school. P.E. kit comprises of a white tee-shirt with the school logo, plain black shorts or plain black jogging bottoms/leggings, school jumper/school P.E. hoodie and black pumps/trainers. Kit may be required at other times but prior notice will be given. Please ensure that cardigans/jumpers/hoodies are clearly named. 


Homework Activities:

Each week your child will receive homework activities on Purple Mash and Spelling Shed to complete and hand in online. Spellings and times tables/division along with English practise will be allocated every Monday then checked the following Monday. In addition to these weekly core tasks, the children will have an enrichment challenge grid from which they can select three tasks to be completed over each term. These tasks will cover learning from the wider curriculum and are designed to provide the children with the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning; choosing how to present their work and the areas of learning they would like to research and cover.


Reading at Home:

We want to encourage children to read for pleasure at home. Children will select a book at an appropriate reading level to read at home. Books, along with a reading record, will be sent home each day. Please encourage your child to read for at least 10 minutes a day to yourself, another adult family member or an older sibling. Comments about how fluently, accurately or confidently your child has read at home can be added to the reading diary which should be returned to school, along with the book, the following day. Children will be expected to answer questions to assess their understanding of the text once they have completed a book.


Reading in School:

In addition to English lessons there will be daily Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) sessions and guided reading sessions.

  • Activities taking place may include:
  • Guided reading with class teacher or teaching assistant;
  • Language and text comprehension work;
  • Library sessions;
  • Independent reading;
  • Follow-up activities e.g. book review, blurb writing etc;
  • Book Buddy sessions;
  • One to one reading.


Each half-term we will also enjoy reading a class novel together, this term we are starting with ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ by C. S. Lewis which will help support our English lessons during our first half term.


Gardeners and Seeds

In Year 5, each child will become a 'gardener' and will be allocated a 'seed' from reception class to support and nurture throughout their first few years at Wellfield. Our Year 5 'gardeners' will meet with their 'seeds' on alternate weeks and will act as excellent role models and mentors to our youngest children just starting out on their school journey. 


We look forward to your continued support over the next year. In the meantime, if you would like to discuss anything or have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Lightbown via the school office.


Mrs C. Lightbown and Mr N. Ahmed

(Year 5 Class Team)


Useful Websites