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Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School home page

Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School

Welcome to our Classrooms

In keeping with our church school distinctiveness journey, we have made the decision to give each year group a class name.  You will notice that all the new class names are linked to trees from the Bible.  There’s a tree on the first page of Genesis, the first Psalm, the first page of the New Testament, and the last page of Revelation. Many major events in the Bible have a tree marking the spot, therefore, we felt this to be a suitable choice of theme for our classrooms.  


  • In many ways, trees are like Jesus. They give, and they keep giving.
  • They give life and beauty.
  • They give shade and rest.
  • They clean the air.
  • They hold back erosion.
  • They offer shelter, food, and protection.
  • Trees trap dust and absorb pollutants from the air (physical filter)
  • Some have medicinal properties.
  • Trees also Improve our health and well-being- reduce stress, blood pressure, absorb carbon dioxide,
  • Trees help to grow the economy (people are attracted to live near trees)
  • Trees support wildlife


Trees and plants are mentioned in the Bible many times and more than any other living thing apart from God and people.

Juniper Class

Sycamore Class

Poplar Class

Willow Class

Olive Class

Cedar Class

Oak Class