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Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School home page

Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School

What Visitors To Our School Say About Our Vision

'Year R class assembly was absolutely fantastic! What a fabulous EYFS team we have at Wellfield, I am so proud to be EYFS Governor. The children were so attentive, and I am overwhelmed with the whole performance especially the final song, using Makaton as well! All the children had a little part I love the inclusivity. Well done to all, especially the children.'  


Mrs Marcia Gore, Anglican Foundation Governor


I learnt something today.


I was in one of our local Methodist Primary Schools leading Collective Worship.  Usually I lead in a way that I hope is entertaining and light-hearted, though always with a serious Biblical message.


This afternoon I did it differently.  Perhaps it’s because the children came in so quietly and created a worshipful atmosphere, but I just talked very simply and quietly to them about forgiveness, read them the account of the Unforgiving Servant and asked them to think who they needed to forgive whilst I prayed a simple prayer.  We then sang a quiet song they know to finish.  


There was a wonderful sense of God’s presence, almost Cathedral like, in a simple school hall.


Sometimes it is appropriate to be light in approach with children, but the quiet meditative approach seems to work too.


Rev. Rick Ormrod on leading worship in our school - June 2023