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Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School home page

Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School

Complaints Procedure

Wellfield Complaints Procedure

Type of Complaint:                                           Contact the:

Something that has happened, or failed to happen, in School.

Class teacher

The actions of the class teacher.

Headteacher via the school.

The actions of the Headteacher.

Chair of Governors via the school.

The actions of a governor.

Chair of Governors via the school.

 The actions of the Chair of Governors.                                                          

 Vice Chair via the School.                               

 The actions of the Governing Board.                                                          

 Clerk to the Governing Board via the School.    

Ways to contact the school-


01282 436935


Wellfield Church School

Wellfield Drive



BB12 0JD


Policy for Managing Serial Unreasonable Complaints Policy