During Autumn 1, P.E. will be on a Tuesday and Thursdays. On Tuesdays, we have swimming so the children will need their swimming kits as well as coming into school in their PE kits.
During Summer 2, P.E. will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Year 6 will be having a full afternoon in Forest School as part of their PE lessons on a Thursday and will need suitable clothing for this. They should still come into school in their PE kits but also have their Forest School clothing in a bag to change into. They will then have a normal PE lesson on Wednesday so will need to come to school in their PE kits.
We ask that children come into school wearing their PE kit and school jumper/hoodie on the days they are to be undertaking a PE lesson.
Just to clarify our PE kit consists of a white t-shirt with the school logo, plain black shorts or black jogging bottoms/leggings, school jumper/hoodie and trainers (not pumps as we will aim to be outside as much as possible).