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Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School

Our Vision in Action at Wellfield

Welcome to Wellfield Church School!

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As part of our Activity Passport work, Cedar Class (Y5) created some beautiful poppy work during their craft day in readiness for Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. Some of this work has now been displayed in the front window of the Royal British Legion/Armed Forces Charity shop in the town centre.

The signs of Autumn

Our gardeners and seeds went on an autumn walk together this week. The seeds were looking for signs of autumn whilst our gardeners supported by discussing and recording their findings. Marvellous work children!


Ellie, Our Rockpool Ranger Shining Bright on CBBC Newsround

Our 2023 KS1 Gospel Values Winner, Ellie, has been spending her summer holidays at the Sea Life Centre in Blackpool. Back in Spring, the attraction held a competition offering one budding sea creature expert the chance to become its first ever Rockpool Ranger.

Ellie was selected and as part of her role she has been teaching visitors what the aquarium does to protect rare creatures and support the local environment.

Nina from CBBC Newsround went to meet Ellie to find out more.


Please check out the link below to see Ellie's amazing interview - we are so proud of you Ellie - what a worthwhile cause. 


Sea Life Blackpool: Meet Ellie the Rockpool Ranger - BBC Newsround

Ash Wednesday

A thought-provoking collective worship led by Father Charlie to acknowledge Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Our Reception children experienced receiving a cross of ashes to their forehead for the first time, to mark this event.

Learning Something New

Here are a few photos of our gardeners and seeds working together this afternoon. As part of our Activity Passports work, Year 5 said that they would like to teach their seeds something new. 


Today, they worked with them to represent and order numbers to 5. Some gardeners even challenged their seeds to identify 1 more and 1 less with numbers up to 5!


Excellent work children!

Children in Need 2022

On Friday 18 November, our children came out wearing their best spots and yellow clothing in true 'Pudsey Bear' style to raise money for Children in Need. Following a successful cake stall at breaktime run by the School Council and after parents' giving very generous donations, despite the current financial climate, we managed to raise the super sum of £153.57.

We were truly overwhelmed with the generosity of our community for joining in with the theme of the day for this worthy cause.

Gardeners meet their Seeds

It was lovely to see our Gardeners and Seeds meeting up for the first time this week. They enjoyed sharing their introduction letters with each other and our Year 5 Gardeners were fantastic role models for our lovely new reception children.

Community Garden

Last spring, a few of our wonderful children embarked on a large scale extra curricular project to turn our overgrown gardens into a purposeful community garden.  With the help of the local community farm and a few parents, they are learning how to grow their own fruit and vegetables and their plan is to give it all back to the community and their families.  They work tirelessly every week but always with a smile on their faces - we are so proud of them.  What started as a small group of children has now grown into a larger after school club where we have exciting plans going forwards. Watch this space...!!!

On the death of Her Majesty the Queen

Wellfield Church School and its community is greatly saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.


At this sad time, we remember together an extraordinary person; not only was she our Queen, our Sovereign, she was also someone who believed that leadership meant dedicating her life to the service of others.


We pray that God will bring comfort and hope to her family at this distressing time as well as to all those whom she reigned over with such dignity and grace.


The children have today started a book of commemoration for our church school community and we would invite parents and members of our founding churches to come and leave your thoughts and prayers as a sign of respect.


Gracious God, we give thanks
for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,
for her faith and her dedication to duty.
Bless our nation as we mourn her death
and may her example continue to inspire us;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


A Prayer from Methodist Central Hall Westminster and the London District of the Methodist Church:


Loving God of all, we give thanks for the long life of Her Majesty The Queen;

for her wisdom and dignity;

for her faithfulness to her vows;

for her dedication to public service;

for her Christian faith and joyful witness.

May she rest in peace

and enjoy the gift of everlasting life.

We entrust Queen Elizabeth to your eternal love

and pray for all her family,

but especially to The King,

and all the Royal Family.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Celebrating the Life of Queen Elizabeth II

The children from Years 1 - 6 today congregated in the hall along with staff, Father Charlie and Rev Rick to celebrate the life of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. 

The Queen spoke on many occasions about her relationship with God and her faith.  The children learnt that whilst we can be sad and mourn that she has passed, we must also celebrate her wonderful life knowing that she will now be free from any pain and suffering in heaven. We shared prayers from the Anglican and Methodist churches and listened to one of the Queen's favourite songs. 

Looking after our Community

Two of our wonderful pupils, Charlotte (Y4) and Amelia (Y1) and their mummy teamed up with 'Get Creative', to clear an unloved section of Gannow from litter.  In the near future, this space is to become home to some beautiful local artwork and Amelia and Charlotte have helped this to happen.  What dedication and fantastic Gospel Values you have shown girls - well done!

Helping to Save the Planet

Please see the link to the Burnley Express reporting on our successful day of tree planting with Ribble Rivers Trust.  We planted 150 trees in our school grounds!  Well done to Years R, 3 and 6 plus all of our wonderful parent helpers!  We had such a great day!

Faith Friends Day

We were extremely fortunate to be able to welcome Amy, a Jewish Leader into our school for the day.  We learnt lots of exciting information about Judaism and Amy shared with us how her religion helps her in her day to day activities. 


We also had the opportunity to say the Lord's Prayer in Arabic! Did you know that many religions use the word 'Amen' at the end of prayers to show that they 'agree' with what has been said to God?


It was a fascinating day.   

Reconnecting our Gardeners with their Seeds

It has been so lovely reconnecting our fabulous gardeners and seeds. The Year 5 children have been amazing in looking after their new seeds from Reception Class - so caring and showing all of our gospel values! Proud beyond words!

Gospel Values in the Community

We are particularly proud of two of our pupils this week for demonstrating their gospel values in the community.

Cousins, Alana and Betty decided to create colourful cards with personal messages to cheer up the elderly people living in a local Burnley care home. This was in response to the Good Morning Britain, 1 Million Minutes Campaign encouraging communities to work together to tackle loneliness in the UK.

Well done girls - this was a wonderful act of kindness!

Working together to assist the Foodbank

A massive thank you to our fabulous Wellfield families for your amazing contributions to our foodbank for the Burnley Together Project. The first donation was proudly handed over by two of our Year 3 Class Ambassadors.


Our whole school remembrance display for Padiham Road Methodist Church and the Local Community Centre

Christmas 2020

Whole School