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Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School

Olive Class (Year 4)

Year 4 Class Information

Hello and welcome to Year 4 (Olive Class) in class Miss Hourigan is now back from maternity leave and with us full time. She will be teaching us throughout the week, with Miss Shepherd teaching on a Tuesday morning for PPA cover. Mrs Sullivan is our TA to help us with all our learning.


Please find further details that you will need to know further below smiley


Units of Study:


The subject areas that your child will be covering will be shown on a curriculum overview which will be emailed home at the beginning of each term.


Reading at home:


We want to encourage children to read for pleasure at home. Children will select a a book at appropriate reading level to read at home. Books and reading records should come back home each day to allow children to read their books. In Year 4, we ask that your child's reading record is signed three times a week and they read for a minimum of five minutes each time. Reading records and reading books should then come into school and once your child has finished reading their book they will be expected to answer questions which assess their understanding of the book. 


Reading at school: 


In addition to English lessons there will be daily Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) sessions and guided reading sessions. Activities taking place may include:

Guided reading with class teacher or teaching assistant;

Language and text comprehension work;

Library sessions;

Independent reading;

Follow-up activities e.g. book review, blurb writing etc;

One to one reading.




Homework will be set on a Friday on Purple Mash in the 2Do section, which your child should be able to navigate. Spellings are now online which children have all been given access to through SpellingShed. These will be released on a Monday and children will be tested on the Friday.


At the beginning of each half term, children will be set an enrichment challenge to be completed in their Learning Journals. These tasks will generally be related to the topic work that they are undertaking. These challenges will provide the children with the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning; children can use their creativity and choose how to present their work. Children will be asked to choose their two favourite challenges from the homework grid and hand them in by end of the half term. 


Multiplication Check:


At the end of year four (June), all children will take part in the DfE’s (Department for Education) statutory times table check.



We will have two sessions of P.E. each week, your child will need to come into school in their full PE kit on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Kit may be required at other times but prior notice will be given.


For Spring 1 term we will be swimming on a Tuesday, please make sure your child has a swimming costume/shorts, towel, goggles (if permission given). We will be doing PE in school on a Thursday.

For Spring 2 term we will be doing PE in school on a Tuesday, please wear appropriate PE kit on this day. On Thursday afternoon we will be partaking in Forest School so please make sure your child comes in PE kit and brings a change of clothes for the outdoors. For Forest School please bring spare trainers or wellies, appropriate coat and clothes that might get dirty.


P.E. Kit – Our PE kit consists of a white t-shirt with the school logo, plain black shorts or black jogging bottoms/leggings, school hoody/jumper and trainers (not pumps as we will aim to be outside as much as possible). Please ensure all kit is named.


I hope you understand our new routines in Year 4. I look forward to working alongside you this term and thank you for your continued support. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to reach me via email or arrange an appointment at the office.