Physical Education and Sport at Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School
We have worked hard to ensure that all of our children have access to a varied and exciting programme of sport and P.E., both in school lessons and via the extra-curricular programme we offer. This was recognised in 2019 when we received the 'Sainsbury's School Games Gold Award'. This award recognises the impact of our sports provision across the whole school community and again has been awarded to our school in 2020.
Our children enjoy participation and competition - they work hard and recognise that keeping fit and healthy is a life-long goal which promotes not only physical wellbeing, but good mental health as well. Not only do we ensure our P.E. curriculum is broad and balanced, we also offer a range of clubs after school which include new and different sports, we 'signpost' talented individuals to different provision and we have children who have entered local, regional and national competitions.
As a school community we were delighted when the Government announced that every primary school in the country would receive a substantial (and ringfenced) sum of money that must be used to raise levels of participation and enable all children to make life-long positive choices.
For an analysis of how we have used this money and the impact on the children and for the new action plan, then please click here.
Wellfield's Developmental Approach to Physical Education
The INTENT in the Foundation Stage is to focus on developing gross and fine motor skills. To help our school achieve this we use the Lancashire Movement Skills resource to support Foundation staff in understanding skills they will teach children, along with other skill opportunities to develop.
(Year 1 Baseline) The INTENT in Year 1 is to carry out a baseline of 10 Fundamental Movement Skills as the children enter Year 1. From this baseline the teacher can design or adapt their PE curriculum and focus on the FMS the children are less proficient in.
The INTENT during KS1 is to continue to develop the children's FMS, especially their weaker ones, and also to teach children HOW to apply these skills in a context. The children should develop their knowledge when using simple tactics in game type activities and create sequences of movement in gymnastic and dance type activities. This is delivered through the CORE TASKS.
The INTENT at the end of KS1 is to test the children's 10 Fundamental Movement Skills again. This will show the impact on their performance of the FMS and which skills they have mastered. This information is then shared with the Year 3 teacher.
The INTENT in Years 3 and 4 games is to develop children's attacking skills through a range of different sports and activities. However, this will be delivered through uneven sides, i.e. 3V1, 4V2. They will also develop their knowledge of simple attacking tactics, which are transferable across similar categories of games. For example, invasion games, net or wall games, target and striking and fielding.
The INTENT at Years 5 and 6 in games is to continue to develop children's attacking skills when they are working as a team and to develop their knowledge of defending strategies. These will be delivered through modified mini-versions from uneven sides to even sides, i.e. 5V3, 3V4, 4V4, 5V5 etc.
The learning the children receive through the different categories of games leads to playing a school games Level 1 competition.
The INTENT at Years 5 and 6 in dance and gymnastics is to develop children's performance and composing longer sequences of movements with a partner and group.
The INTENT is for all children leaving KS2 to be able to:
To achieve this outcome, all children in KS2 swim each year. Any children in need of extra help are identified early and receive extra swimming instruction.