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Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School home page

Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School

Sycamore Class (Year 1)

Welcome to Year One!


I'm Miss Howard and I am thrilled to be teaching Year One this year with the support of Mrs Pickup and Mrs Slater.


Please find below key details for this year and some photos of our exciting adventures. 


If you have any questions, please speak to me at the door or schedule an appointment through the office. 

Our Daily Routine


08.45 - 09.05 - Registration and Morning Task

09.05 - 09:30 - Phonics

09:30 - 10:10 - Maths 

10.10 - 10.25 - Morning Break (with snack) 

10.25 - 10.55 - Reading Practice

10.55 - 11.50 - English 

11.50 - 12.50 - Lunch 

12.50 - 13.05 - Registration and Class Story

13.05 - 13.25 - Phonics and Mastery Number

13.25 - 14.05 - Wider Curriculum 

14.05 - 14.15 - Break 

14.15 - 15.00 - Wider Curriculum 

15.00 - 15.30 - Collective Worship 

Phonics and Reading

Here at Wellfield, we follow the Little Wandle Phonics and Reading Scheme to support our children's reading and writing journey. Every day in Year One, we have a whole class phonics lesson each morning with some children have additional 'Keep Up' sessions in the afternoon. In addition, all children will have three reading practice sessions with an adult. 


Please send in Bookbags and reading records everyday so we can check reading and write in when we have read together. 


Each week they will bring their reading practice book home on a Friday. It is important that children get to celebrate their reading progress by sharing this book with you at home. The book will then need to be returned to school on Monday for other groups to use. 


We will also provide a home reader for the week on a Monday which is at your child's reading level, please encourage your child to read with you at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes and remember to sign their reading record so that they can climb our Shooting Stars Chart. 


Homework is sent every week on a Thursday to be brought back the following Tuesday.