Welcome to Poplar Class!
Below you will find all the things that might be useful as well as some photos of things we've been getting up to!
If you have any questions, please see me at the door or make an appointment via the office.
Miss Green
Our Daily Routine
8.45-9.05 - Registration/Handwriting
9.05-10.05 - Maths
10.05-10.25 - Morning Break (with snack)
10.25-10.55 - Guided Reading
10.55-11.50 - English
11.50-12.50 - Lunch
12.50-13.05 - Class Story
13.05-13.25 - Phonics/Spellings
13.25-14.05 - Wider Curriculum
14.05-14.15 - Break
14.15-15.00 - Wider Curriculum
15.00-15.30 - Collective Worship
Please send in Bookbags/reading journals everyday so we can check reading and write in when we have read together.
Each week we aim to read 1:1 once with every child on top of their Guided Reading group sessions and daily phonics sessions.
Become a shooting star! Every time you read 3x a week (with parent/carer signatures), you get to move up the chart. Star 5 receives a prize!
Homework is sent every week on a Thursday to be brought back for Tuesday. Some of the homework this year will be set via Purple Mash or TT Rockstars. Please let me know if you struggle to access this.
PE is on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please see the Uniform Policy for correct PE kit.