Special Educational Needs and Disability
School SENDCo: Mrs Vikki Hall BA (Hons); NASC
SEND Administrator: Mrs Jackie Kennedy
SEND Governor: Father Charlie Hill
Wellfield Methodist and Anglican Church School is committed to meeting the Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) of all pupils in our care and ensuring that they make good progress whilst at our school. Through our Christian values, teaching and collective Worship our school provides a safe environment in which each child can grow in understanding. We aim to find the particular strengths of each individual and nurture these so encouraging all learners to fulfil their true potential.
Every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND. If children are not able to ‘learn the way we teach’ then we must ‘teach the way they learn’. Good practice for pupils with Special Educational Needs is good practice for all. We believe all pupils at Wellfield have the right to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum which engages children and prepares them for their journey through life. We aim to ensure that all pupils with SEND will achieve maximum access to this curriculum and make subsequent progress through the co-operation, understanding and planning skills shared by teachers, support staff, support agencies, parents, governors and children.
All the staff at Wellfield Church School strive to raise the aspirations and expectations for our children with SEND, providing a focus on outcomes. All pupils are valued and their self-esteem promoted. We aim to work in close partnership with parents/carers who play an active and valued role in their child’s education.
Staff at Wellfield follow the Graduated Response pathway to supporting children identified with SEND. We aim to provide targeted support to meet a child's individual needs. In the majority of cases, this support will be provided through school staff and resources and monitored through Individual Achievement Plans. The school also works in partnership with NHS therapists and consultants, specialist teachers, Educational Psychologists and local support networks for additional intervention and guidance.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding SEND, please contact the school SENDCo Mrs Vikki Hall by e-mailing the school office. Telephone, online or face to face appointments can be made for Tuesday mornings; Friday afternoons or after school.
God says I am:
Created by Him: Psalm 139:13
Loved: Jeremiah 31:3
His Family: Ephesians 2:19
Victorious: 1 Corinthians 15:57
Below are the various documents which help to explain the support available at Wellfield and the policies behind this practice.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Parent Questionnaire on SEND Provision at Wellfield Church School and left comments. Please see the attached document for an overview. This is an encouraging set of responses however we will continually strive to review and improve our provision adapting to the diverse needs of our pupils. For any parent who has not had the opportunity to complete the questionnaire but would still like to provide feedback, please do not hesitate to contact me through the school office.
Wellfield have gone above and beyond to ensure that my child's needs are met and that they have as much support as they need both in and out of school. I receive daily updates on their progress, nothing is too much trouble and they are included in all aspects of school life. They always smile going into school and coming out and have formed fantastic relationships with their peers and teachers.
Parent Feedback 2023
Could not fault my child's school and how they have helped and supported them. They have been absolutely amazing with both my child and us as parents. They have gone above and beyond to ensure all the right support is in place. My child feels happy, safe and well supported when they are at school.
Parent Feedback 2023
Wellfield Church School takes pride in being a fully inclusive school and welcomes the opportunity to discuss with you the individual needs of your child. We welcome children with special medical or social circumstances affecting the child where these needs can be met at this school. Our staff work closely with external agencies supporting children such as Paediatricians, Speech & Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Educational Psychologists. We also engage the services of specialist teachers, outreach support and specialised agencies when required. Please feel free to contact school to discuss your child's needs and take a look at our admissions criteria and key SEND documents below.
Please click on the links to access websites which can provide advice and guidance for families of children with SEND.
Speech and Language Development
Lancashire and Cumbria Autism Support Hub
Break Time short break activities provide a range of activities and groups for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities who meet the criteria to attend and who do not receive short breaks following a social care assessment of need.
Please check your child meets the criteria before you register.
Each eligible child or young person can access up to 78 hours of Break Time activities and groups each year which can be used between one or two Break Time providers.
There will be a minimum contribution from parents and carers towards Break Time activities and groups of £2 per hour. This is in addition to any specific costs for activities, entrance fees or transport costs to activities
Registrations for 2024/25 will be open from 23 October 2023 closing on 21 December 2023
Both new and existing members MUST complete the online form to register. This will allow parent carers to book onto Break Time activities from 1 April 2024.
Parents and carers will be contacted to confirm if their registration has been successful.
See how to register for more information.
For Break Time enquires there is a new Mailbox breaktime@lancashire.gov.uk
And remember details about all Short Break can be found on the Local Offer Things to do - Lancashire County Council
These newsletters provide useful articles along with information on local support groups and activity sessions available for children with SEND.