Homework Information
Please read with your child a minimum of three times a week and sign their diary.
Spelling /Times tables
Each week your child will have a spelling activity on Purple Mash, this activity can be found on the 2Do section on Purple Mash (your child should be familiar with this section). In addition to this, please encourage your child to work on their times tables using Times Table Rockstars. It would be great if your child could log on three times a week and practise their times tables for five minutes. All login information can be found in the back of your child’s diary.
Homework Grid
At the beginning of each half term, children will be set an enrichment challenge to be completed in their Learning Journals. These tasks will generally be related to the topic work that they are undertaking. These challenges will provide the children with the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning; children can use their creativity and choose how to present their work. Children will be asked to choose their two favourite challenges from the homework grid and hand them in by end of the half term.
Spelling Bee
We will be taking part in the ‘Spelling Bee’ again this year with our SWAT cluster schools. There is a list of spellings in the back of children’s homework books. The first round will be in school on the week commencing 5th February. Children will have two minutes to spell as many words as possible.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs C Slater