As you will be aware, we are expecting even more extreme temperatures and weather conditions over the next two days.
School is open so please send your children, as per usual. However, we would advise that they come to school in their PE Kit (White school t-shirt and shorts - not leggings or tracksuit bottoms). They may also wear trainers with their PE kit. Please note PE kits must follow school policy - it is not non-uniform day.
(Y1 - please follow previous instructions from Miss Green).
Please ensure that your children have had suncream liberally applied. Feel free to send sun hats/caps and plenty of water.
We will ensure that school is kept as cool as possible and that we do not over-exert the children physically throughout the day. We will consider whether it is safe to play outside for shorter periods of time.
As always, we will do our very best to keep your children safe during these extreme conditions.